
critically evaluate the social cultural or

"Critically evaluate the social, cultural or political implications of either the planning, controlling or decision making elements of management accounting."

In your essay, please focus on one function of management accounting: planning, control or decision making. Equally, please select one of the implications: social, cultural or political.

The essay should discuss the relationship between your function and implication. E.g. critically evaluate the social implications of the planning function of management accounting or critically evaluate the political implications of the decision making function of management accounting.


What does ‘critically' mean: In this context, ‘critically' means to express your judgement about the merit (or correctness) of theories or opinions under consideration. Analyse the subject and describe to what extent it is supported by evidence. You might also analyse alternative theories and describe the extent to which evidence supports them, and make a comparison.

What does ‘evaluate' mean: an evaluation means to present a careful judgment of the problem, stressing both sides of the argument. Evaluation implies authoritative and, to a lesser degree, personal opinions/ judgment of the question. Evidence and examples are crucial in the work.

In summary, present a balanced, evidenced-based assessment of your topic. You should develop your personal opinion in answer to your question.

It is acceptable, in this form of essay, particularly in expressing your opinion to use ‘I' or other personal pronouns. They should not be overused.

As with all essays, there should be an introduction, a conclusion, and the main body of the essay, which should include your arguments and the points to support your arguments.

You are expected to reference in this essay. When you use a source (quotes, statistics, or ideas, for example) you must reference this. Also, provide a bibliography of sources. In short, when you use a source, you recognise the source.

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Managerial Accounting: critically evaluate the social cultural or
Reference No:- TGS0497467

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