
Critically evaluate the rhetorical message

Advertisment Critique:

Critically evaluate the rhetorical messages contained within a print, or electronic media advertisement.

Objective: Critically evaluate the rhetorical messages contained within a print, or electronic media advertisement using the concepts discussed in class and in your book (chapter 7 & 8).

A. Written Portion: Write a three- five page essay that briefly and succinctly describes the advertisement and answers the questions listed below. The bulk of your paper should be analysis, not just description. Ultimately, that analysis may be positive, negative, or mixed; regardless you should expose the persuasive techniques that lie beneath the surface of the advertisement.

B. Oral Portion: Be prepared to share your ad analysis with the class.

*This assignment is to be typed, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, regular page margins, APA or MLA format. Type your name and the class title at the top of the page.

Here are some questions that will help you arrange and deconstruct your ad critique essay. You do not have to answer all the questions. Pick those questions that you believe are most relevant and helpful in understanding your ad.

A good approach is to go to You-Tube, find an interesting commercial and then pick out some of the questions below as a guide for your write up. When you share your commercial with the class, you can show the You-Tube video.

What was the issue? What product or company is the advertisement trying to sell? Who is the ad’s target audience? (Age, Gender, Race, Political Affiliation, Religious Affiliation, Sexual Orientation, Values/beliefs, other). How does the ad use ethos, logos, and pathos? Is the ad guilty of any logical fallacies (e.g., many ads use a false appeal to popularity)?

r0 What framing or spin does the ad use? Does the ad use any fuzzy language, weasel words, power words, phrasing, vague claims, and other literary techniques?

How is language used to gain the audiences favor? Point out techniques of suggestion. How is imagery used in the advertisement? Point out techniques of suggestion. Does the ad engage in any stereotyping or other cultural assumptions and generalizations?

What does the ad tell us about culture as a whole? ‘ Does the presentation catch your attention? If so how? If not, make some suggestions. Is the ad successful in selling its product? In other words, is it persuasive?

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