
Critically evaluate key issues that strategic analysis


Critically evaluate the key issues that strategic analysis plays in a business or organisation that you are familiar with.

In this assignment, you are required to write a 2500 word report. This includes a 200 word executive summary, but excludes references and appendix.

Your Report should cover the following:

1. Briefly describe the background information of the organisation (or SBU) chosen. This information should be brief and relevant to the discussion of your assignment and thus may include ownership, history, size, business scope, major products/services, and major markets of the organisation (or SBU).

2. Conduct an external environment analysis including a macro-environment analysis and Porter's 5 forces analysis:

(a) Conduct a macro-environment analysis for the entire industry within which the organisation (or SBU) operates. You should use the PESTEL model and focus on understanding the purpose of this analysis, the identification of key factors and their implications in terms of key opportunities and threats, and discussion of their overall impact on industry growth in the future. Draw your conclusions based on your macro-environment analysis.

(b) Undertake an industry analysis using either Porter's 5 forces model or Hubbard's industry analysis approach. You should pay attention to the purpose of this analysis, the inter- connectedness of different aspects of the competitive forces, and their overall impact on the industry and the organisation selected in terms of main driving forces in the competitive environment. Draw your conclusions based on your industry analysis.

3. Conduct an internal environment analysis. You should identify, differentiate and evaluate the key resources and competencies of the organisation (or SBU) that are most likely to provide sustainable competitive advantage.

4. Summarise your findings based on your external and internal environment analysis. Identify the key issues that the organisation (or SBU) faces and give your recommendations.

5. Draw your conclusion.

Guidelines for this task:

Ensure that you read widely and address key components of the strategic management process raised in the literature from Module 1.

You should seek to complement the readings from Module 1 by accessing books and relevant journal articles from the sources listed under 'Recommended additional reading' in this Subject Outline.

Use your reading to inform your critical evaluation of the key issues of strategic analysis within the business, public sector or not-for-profit organisation where you work.

While you are required to name the organisation that is the focus of your research, you may wish to make a case for maintaining the anonymity of the organisation (e.g. due to political or commercial sensitivities). Contact your subject coordinator before you start on the assignment if you need to do this.

Note that this subject uses a due date system for assignments; i.e., the stated date is the last date for acceptance for that assignment. You must timetable your work schedule so you have plenty of time to ensure your work arrives on time.

The rationale for this task is to develop s******s in problem solving, analysis, evaluation and reflection in the use of strategic analysis in contemporary organisation. This contributes to the following learning outcomes for this subject:

be able to identify and explain the key components of strategic management such as strategy analysis;
be able to review and evaluate the evolution of ideas and practices leading to the development of strategic analysis and its relationship to other management practices and principles;
be able to critique, act strategically, and make recommendations in the context of the potential of strategic management vis-a-vis the realisation of organisational change and/or success in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors.

All assignments must be typed and they should be at least 1.5 line spaced with 12pt font size. Use of headings and subheadings is recommended to help focus your work. This does not mean that you can dispense with the need to create a coherent discussion. This is always critically important.

Please note that in all assignments the following are expected:

Careful analysis
Evidence of wide and careful reading (beyond what has been provided)
Coherent argument and structure
Correct spelling
Appropriate use of English grammar
Appropriate citation of references
Correspondence with the given word length
Referencing presented in the APA6th system adopted by the Faculty of Business and a reference list included at the end of your Report
When using material taken from the Collection of Readings provided by the University please refer to the original sources which is provided

To complete your report for Senior Management you will need to include the following sections:

1. Executive Summary

2. Background Information of the Organisation (or SBU) chosen

3. External Analysis

4. Internal Analysis

5. Identify and analyse the issues in the internal and external environments and prioritize them in the order you feel are most critical

6. Conclusion

You are required to cite a minimum of 10 refereed journal articles. For this assessment you are required to use APA6th referencing to acknowledge the sources that you have used in preparing your assessment. Please refer to the CSU referencing guide https://student.csu.edu.au/study/referencing-at-csu. In addition a very useful tool for you to use that demonstrates how to correctly use in text referencing and the correct way to cite the reference in your reference list can be found at https://apps.csu.edu.au/reftool/apa-6

Order Details
Strategic Management
Aug 12, 2017 Saturday 11:17 pm
Word Count
10 pages, 2500 words
Reference Style
No of References
Critically evaluate the key issues that strategic analysis plays in a business or organisation that you are familiar with. In this assignment, you are required to write a 2500 word report.

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Management Theories: Critically evaluate key issues that strategic analysis
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