Critically evaluate how the workplace of the 21st Century has developed since F.W.Taylor's work,Principles of Scientific Management.
Consider the influence of these changes on the individual business management graduates starting their career in 2017.
General Guidelines: academic writing usually contains an argument or claim. In your assignments at university you may be asked to compare and contrast different opinions, justify and evaluate evidence, raise questions about previous research etc. In so doing an academic essay will need to have evidence included from your reading and research to support the argument. It will also conform to a particular format; see below:
Layout / Structure - the essay must conform to a logical structure:
• Introduction:
Introduce / establish background to the topic
Establish reason for writing essay
Aim of the essay / outline how the essay will be answered
• Main body or content
Separated into paragraphs (do not indent - use 2 line spaces between paragraphs
One key point per paragraph (topic sentence)
Key point developed using evidence - supporting or arguing against the claim
Concluding sentence sums up the paragraph
Paragraphs lead logically from one to another
• Conclusion
Re-state the question
Summarise the key points of the argument / no new material should be introduced
Give final views
• Reference List / Bibliography
But - do not use the bullet pointed headings in your finished essay
Only headings allowed in essays - Title / Reference List and/or Bibliography
Reference List
Bell, T. (1999). Do EAP teachers require knowledge of their students' specialist academic subjects?, The Internet TESL Journal, V (10).
Retrieved from
Bigge, M. (1982a). Learning theories for teachers (4th ed). London: Harper and Row.
Bigge, M. (1982b). Collaborative Learning. London: Johns Hopkins Press.
Borg, S. (1994). Planning training sessions. The Teacher Trainer 8 (1), 20 - 22.
Diehl, M., & Stroebe, W. (1987). Productivity loss in brainstorming groups: towards the solution of a riddle. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 53(3), 497 - 509.
Diehl, M., & Stroebe, W. (1991).Productivity loss in idea-generating groups: tracking down the blocking effect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61(3), 392¬ -403.
Schon, D. (1983). The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action. New York: Basic Books.
Unilearning. (2000). Academic Writing: Referencing. Retrieved from
Vasagar, J. (2011, February 13). Students get less tuition as cash dwindles. The Observer, p.23.
White, M. (1991). Business English: What is it? Hong Kong: Kong Publishers.
Williams, M. (1994). Teacher training for English language teachers. In Harvard, G. & Hodkinson, P. (Eds.) Action and Reflection in Teacher Education. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing, pp.4-12.
Williams, M., & Wright, A. (1985). Grammar by Drillwork. Istanbul: Turkpress.