
Critically evaluate how rules of international trade law

International Trade and Finance

Learning Outcomes

1. Critically evaluate how rules of international trade law evolve and operate.

2. Creatively apply theoretical scholarship (both legal and interdisciplinary) and international trade law principles to major international law problems and new fact situations.

3. Demonstrate independent analytical abilities to appreciate and determine the impact of international trade law on national trading policies and practices, and confront controversial and pressing issues of trade and finance.

4. Connect international trade law doctrine and theory to international trade, economic, and financial actors (trading nations, WTO, IMF, World Bank, MNCs, and NGOs/ advocates of international economic affairs) to provide cross-border and multi- jurisdictional expertise and experience.

5. By analysing diverse stakeholders' perspectives (including the constraints international trade law and the WTO impose on their actions, and opportunities and challenges they encounter in the international trading system), display mutual respect for different values and provide concrete suggestions for efficacious legal development relative to the international trade law goal of the just fulfilment of trading rights and interests of all members of the international trading community.

6. Display effective communication skills by verbally defending views in a respectful environment and developing reasoned and supported written argument.

This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:
- 1. Critically evaluate how rules of international trade law evolve and operate.
- 2. Creatively apply theoretical scholarship (both legal and interdisciplinary) and international trade law principles to major international law problems and new fact situations.
- 4. Connect international trade law doctrine and theory to international trade, economic, and financial actors (trading nations, WTO, IMF, World Bank, MNCs, and NGOs/ advocates of international economic affairs) to provide cross-border and multi- jurisdictional expertise and experience.
- 6. Display effective communication skills by verbally defending views in a respectful environment and developing reasoned and supported written argument.

Problem Question

The Problem Question is a take-home assignment on the applied aspects of international trade and finance. It is designed to provide students with an opportunity to acquire independent and analytical skills in applying relevant rules and principles of international trade law to a hypothetical factual situation of modern international trade relations. This written assignment aims to evaluate students'ability to identify, analyse and appraise relevant legal issues in a clear, concise and logical manner with scholarly support.

Word length 2500 words (to be posted on iLearn in Week 5 ). The work must be submitted via TURNITIN .

This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:

- 2. Creatively apply theoretical scholarship (both legal and interdisciplinary) and international trade law principles to major international law problems and new fact situations.

- 3. Demonstrate independent analytical abilities to appreciate and determine the impact of international trade law on national trading policies and practices, and confront controversial and pressing issues of trade and finance.

- 4. Connect international trade law doctrine and theory to international trade, economic, and financial actors (trading nations, WTO, IMF, World Bank, MNCs, and NGOs/ advocates of international economic affairs) to provide cross-border and multi- jurisdictional expertise and experience.

- 5. By analysing diverse stakeholders' perspectives (including the constraints international trade law and the WTO impose on their actions, and opportunities and challenges they encounter in the international trading system), display mutual respect for different values and provide concrete suggestions for efficacious legal development relative to the international trade law goal of the just fulfilment of trading rights and interests of all members of the international trading community.

- 6. Display effective communication skills by verbally defending views in a respectful environment and developing reasoned and supported written argument.

The research paper is meant to give students an opportunity to write on a topic of their own choice from the limit/list given. Students are required to go deeper into it and to present it in a logically, structured, coherent and relevant manner. This task intends to foster independent legal research skill and analytical ability to intellectually appreciate pertinent issues of trade with scholarly support . This method of assignment enables the students to be independent and innovative thinkers, adopt a policy-oriented approach, and the ventilators of new ideas, thereby contributing to the progressive development of the international legal regime.

Word length 3,000 words (to be posted on iLearn in Week 8) The assignment MUST be submitted through TURNITIN.

This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:

- 1. Critically evaluate how rules of international trade law evolve and operate.

- 2. Creatively apply theoretical scholarship (both legal and interdisciplinary) and international trade law principles to major international law problems and new fact situations.

- 3. Demonstrate independent analytical abilities to appreciate and determine the impact of international trade law on national trading policies and practices, and confront controversial and pressing issues of trade and finance.

- 4. Connect international trade law doctrine and theory to international trade, economic, and financial actors (trading nations, WTO, IMF, World Bank, MNCs, and NGOs/ advocates of international economic affairs) to provide cross-border and multi- jurisdictional expertise and experience.

- 5. By analysing diverse stakeholders' perspectives (including the constraints international trade law and the WTO impose on their actions, and opportunities and challenges they encounter in the international trading system), display mutual respect for different values and provide concrete suggestions for efficacious legal development relative to the international trade law goal of the just fulfilment of trading rights and interests of all members of the international trading community.

- 6. Display effective communication skills by verbally defending views in a respectful environment and developing reasoned and supported written argument.

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Business Law and Ethics: Critically evaluate how rules of international trade law
Reference No:- TGS01542020

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