
Critically evaluate the positive and negative impacts of



Choose one of the topics in the attached Word document, read the four readings on the topic, and write a 1000 word critical essay on the topic. The word "critical" does not mean to simply criticise in a negative manner, but rather it is your ability to question the information and opinions in a text and objectively evaluate the text. This means that you weigh the coherence of each reading, the completeness of its data or facts presented, the consistency of its argument, appraise any bias, and so on, before you accept or reject the ideas expressed in the text.


Briefly state your position on the topic and why the issue is important. Identify or list the main arguments or ideas to be discussed in the essay in the order in which they will appear. Consider these tips while writing your essay:


  • The critical essay is informative. It is not simply a summary of the content of the readings. In this kind of writing, all claims made about the topic or issue need to be supported with evidence.
  • The difference between your opinion and facts is simple - it does not matter what you believe about the topic or issue; what matters is what you can prove about it, drawing upon evidence found in the readings.
  • Criticism does not mean attacking the readings or the authors; it simply means you are thinking critically about it, exploring it, and discussing your findings.
  • The tone is objective and serious.
  • Key terms and concepts should be explained or defined.
  • Be specific about the points you are making and back up those points with evidence that is credible and appropriate.
  • It is not necessary to cover all points. Focus your discussion on the major ideas and develop them well.
  • Be sure your discussion is clearly organised. Each paragraph should support the main idea and logically flow. Within each paragraph, sentences should be connected to one another.
  • Ensure your essay is free of mechanical and stylistic errors.
  • Make sure you reference throughout your essay and at the end in a reference list (on a separate page) in alphabetical order using APA 6th edition. The reference list at the end does not contribute to the word count.


ESSAY topics please do 2 different assignments on tourism and one assignment on business.




4 Readings: 3 Journal Articles and

1 Book Chapter

(These readings are not referenced in APA 6th ed. style)

1.   Business

Critically evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of social media marketing.

1.   Bija&Balas (2014): Social media marketing to increase brand awareness[Journal Article]

2.    Gaber & Wright (2014): Fast-food advertising in social media. A case study on Facebook in Egypt[Journal Article]

3.   Evans (2012). What is social media? (pp. 31-48 - Chapter 3) [Book Chapter]

4.   Whiting & Deshpande (2014): Social media marketing: A myth or a necessity[Journal Article]

2.   Tourism

Critically evaluate the benefits and impacts of wildlife tourism.

1.   Banerjee (2012): Is wildlife tourism benefiting Indian protected areas? [Journal Article]

2.   Dobson (2011): Towards a utilitarian ethic for marine wildlife tourism [Journal Article]

3.   Higginbottom (2004): Wildlife tourism: An introduction (pp. 1-14 - Chapter 1) [Book Chapter]

4.   Recharte, Bride, & Bowler (2014): A recovering flagship: Giant otters, communities and tourism in northern Peru [Journal Article]

3.   Health

Critically evaluate the arguments for and againstlegalising voluntary euthanasia.

1.   Goldney (2012): Neither euthanasia nor suicide, but rather assisted death [Journal Article]

2.   Johnstone (2009). Euthanasia, assisted suicide and the nursing profession (pp. 247-289 - Chap 10) [Book Chapter]

3.   Mishara&Weisstub (2013). Premises and evidence in the rhetoric of assisted suicide and euthanasia [Journal Article]

4.   Shah &Mushtaq (2014). The right to live or die? A perspective on voluntary euthanasia [Journal Article]

4.   Science

Is climate change a myth or a fact? Critically evaluate the arguments for and against climate change.

1.   Corner, Whitmarsh, & Xenias (2012): Uncertainty, scepticism and attitudes towards climate change: Biased assimilation and attitude polarisation [Journal Article]

2.   Rinawati, Stein., & Lindner (2013): Climate change impacts on biodiversity - The setting of a lingering global crisis [Journal Article]

3.   Starck (2008): Global warming - myth, threat or opportunity? [Journal Article]

4.   Tomecek (2012): The evidence for and against global warming (pp. 48-72 - Chapter 3) [Book Chapter]

5.   Arts

Critically evaluate the positive and negative impacts of playing video games.

1.   Adachi & Willoughby (2011): The effect of violent video games on aggression: Is it more than just the violence? [Journal Article]

2.   Granic, Lobel, & Engels (2014): The benefits of playing video games [Journal Article]

3.   Greitemeyer &Osswald (2009): Prosocial video games reduce aggressive cognitions [Journal Article]

4.   Swing & Anderson (2007): How and what do videogames teach? (pp. 64-84 - Chapter 3) [Book Chapter]


3 different assignments on same question, while doing essay please do 2 different assignment from the given tourism topics and one from business and reference should be done from my reading.


1000x3 = 3000 words


6 references in each copy.

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Dissertation: Critically evaluate the positive and negative impacts of
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