
Critically discuss with reference to the companies act 2006

Coursework Title:

The Directors of a company wield considerable power and it is right that they are subjected to stringent controls by virtue of the duties placed upon them by the Companies Act 2006.

Critically discuss with reference to the Companies Act 2006 and relevant case law.

Word Limit 3,000 words exclusive of bibliography and footnotes TBC

Intended Learning Outcomes

In successfully demonstrating achievement of learning outcomes for this unit you will be required to reach the required threshold standard in each of your items of assessment.

For this unit the threshold standards which must be satisfied are:

- Guidance on completing your coursework:

Your work will be marked and feedback given against the following criteria:

Content: This will consider how well you construct an argument. Remember that an essay should have an introduction, a middle and a conclusion. Create a context for your work and focus on telling a story. Re-read your work to make sure it flows, and try to link your points to create a strong narrative. An outline plan, of the points you are going to make, drafted before you start writing, can help with this.

Remember that the assessment is testing your ability to convey your understanding of a complex legal issue, therefore you should attempt as far as possible to explain the issues in your own words. Essays compiled from a series of quotes taken from a range of textbooks will not receive high marks. Quotes can be useful, but use them sparingly for maximum impact.

Research/ Referencing: This will principally be reflected in your bibliography, but a long list of texts will not be sufficient. The main way in which the breadth of your research will be demonstrated will be in the depth of your discussions. Use your research as a tool to build up an in-depth understanding of the topic which is under consideration. Don't forget the importance of referencing your work correctly. Marks will be lost for failure to adequately reference your work and MAY lead to accusations of academic misconduct. If in doubt ask your Unit Co-ordinator.

Analysis/Application: In an essay question this heading crosses over with content, but in essence you must think about how you are using the knowledge you have acquired to answer the question posed. Try to direct your discussions towards the question asked instead of engaging in a general discussion of the law.

This heading will also include consideration of the quality of your analysis of the legal issues and the strength of the arguments/ points you are making.

Presentation: Do not underestimate the importance of presentation. This includes spelling and grammar. Of equal importance is the correct use of abbreviations, presentation of case names and statutes and use of fonts. Law is about precision and detail, so a lack of care over presentation of your work does not allow you to demonstrate your skills.

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Business Law and Ethics: Critically discuss with reference to the companies act 2006
Reference No:- TGS02380018

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