
Critically assess which of these actions are likely to

This Assignment is related to Strategic HRM

Learning outcomes:

The importance of aligning HR strategy to the Business.

HR being involved in Setting Corporate Strategy.

Developing HR Strategy that Complement Corporate Planning.

The importance of covering what impacts any organizational performance (External context such as Culture, Social, Economic) as well as Transformational process (Structure, Work, People, Technology) as well as individual growth, Operating performance

Organisational Design and Development

The Task

- Using a range of relevant academic writings, critically review the attached article (‘Developing HR strategy: Aligning HR to the business').

- Critically assess which of these actions are likely to apply to your organisation (or an organisation of your choice). Identify which actions you recommend be taken, avoided or trialled.

Learning Outcomes Assessed

1. Available design options regarding organisational structures and relationships.

2. Processes and systems that need to be in place to maintain such structures and relationships, and evaluation of same.

3. Methods and procedures of organisation development and review their strategic impact.

4. Organisation culture, norms and behaviours.

As part of your study you will be involved in carrying out research and using this when writing up your coursework. It is important that you correctly acknowledge someone else's writing, thoughts or ideas and that you do not attempt to pass this off as your own work.

Developing HR strategy: Aligning HR to the business

In the continuing series of articles examining HR strategy, Keith Rogerslooks at the steps recommended by experts and practitioners to align HRstrategy with overall business needs

When organisations talk about aligning their HR strategy to businessobjectives, there is an underlying assumption the HR function will be doingmost of the adjusting. Because many organisations pay little more thanlip-service to the role their employees play in executing their strategicplans, they frequently underestimate the human capital implications of their decisions. The reality, however, is that HR strategy is a core component ofoverall business planning, and for either to be effective, the two need to bedeveloped hand-in-hand.

key areas

1. Being involved in setting corporate strategy

2. Understanding HR's wider role in the business

3. Developing an HR strategy that complements corporate planning

4. Turning strategy into action

HR's take home points:

1. HR must be included in setting the business strategy, andits objectives embedded within it

2. Practitioners have to understand HR's role in the businessand where it can deliver benefit

3. An HR strategy model that compliments business objectives isneeded

4. Action plans and measurement are needed to turn strategyinto outcomes

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HR Management: Critically assess which of these actions are likely to
Reference No:- TGS02512074

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