
Critical thinking-prewriting summarizing and paraphrasing


Critical Thinking: Prewriting, Summarizing, and Paraphrasing

Part One Instructions: As the first part of your critical thinking exercise for this request, open a new Word document and title it Prewriting, Summarizing, and Paraphrasing. Without passing any judgment on your own ideas, generate a list of ideas and/or questions (to research more information about). Put this list of ideas in these heading categories:

Background of the Problem
Needs (reasons why alcohol abuse should be prevented)
Our Proposed Ideas (about how to prevent alcohol abuse)
Benefits (for the university and its students)
Implementation (actions recommended)
Recommendation (summary and conclusion)

Note: You should aim to generate 3-5 ideas or more under each of the above headings.

Part Two Instructions: As the second part of your critical thinking exercise for this request, open the Word document titled: Prewriting, Summarizing, and Paraphrasing and add this "Summary" right after your prewriting/brainstorm. Your task is to summarize the following group of paragraphs from the textbook Business Scenarios:

Last year - just before the start of the new school year - MU received another top ranking - The College and University Review named MU as the #1 party school. Seeing the ranking as irresponsible because it gives students a distorted notion of what it means to party on a college campus, the American Medical Association characterized the quote "party school" ranking as irresponsible. And while university administrators weren't too happy with the ranking, MU student Janie Adams commented, "The bar scene at MU offers students the chance to socialize-hang out with friends, wind down after a day of classes... So I think the ranking is great."

This kind of attitude has universities concerned because alcohol use continues to be widespread at many U.S. institutions of higher learning. In a recent study from more than 55,000 students on 132 college and university campuses, more than 72% of college students said they had used alcohol at least once during the past 30 days; more than 84% said they had used alcohol at least once during the past year (as cited in Schultz, 2006, p. 98).

One mother whose college-aged son died in an alcohol-related incident said, "If someone had told me that every year or so someone dies on campus, I would've had to think twice before it's sent my child there."

After talking about these measures with those at the meeting and addressing how the MU might respond to its own situation, President Harrison created the Alcohol Awareness Task Force made up of students. President Harrison asked them to research, develop, and propose solutions that address the drinking culture at MU.

Now please summarize in your own words the previous four paragraphs in a few sentences on your Word document. Cite it like this: Your summary (Schultz, 2006).

Part Three Instructions: As the third part of your critical thinking exercise for this module, open the Word document titled: Prewriting, Summarizing, and Paraphrasing and add this "Paraphrasing" title right after your summarizing. Your task is to paraphrase each individual sentence below and cite each one in Proper APA format.

Original - "A number of variables related to a student's family or personal background appears to contribute to increasing risk of failure in school" (SEDL, 2003, p. 3).

Paraphrase & cite -

Original - "Effective management is putting first things first" (Covey, 1989, p. 1).

Paraphrase & cite -

Original - "The real question is how expansive of a role the government will end up playing in regulation of the Internet" (Spinello, 2003, p. 1).

Paraphrase & cite -

Original - "One of the secrets of successful team leadership is matching the skills of team members carefully to the type of task they are required to perform" (Heller, 1998, p. 1).

Paraphrase & cite -

Original - "Collaboration and the ability to promote interdependence is a critical element in the formation of an electronic learning community" (Palloff & Pratt, 1999, p. 1).

Paraphrase & cite -

Please note so that there is no need to submit a cover page, abstract or references.

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English: Critical thinking-prewriting summarizing and paraphrasing
Reference No:- TGS01927437

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