
Critical thinking case study with the deadon protocol

Assignment Task: Critical Thinking Case Study with the DEADON Protocol


Review the D.E.A.D.O.N. critical thinking process (attachment opened at same time as quiz).  This process will also assist you with analyzing your course project.


Please provide a completed DEADON document pertinent to the case below and a one paragraph (5-7 sentences) Word document on what you learned from this process.

Case Overview: 

As a nurse you are providing care for a 91-year-old male, Herbert.  Herbert was married for 46 years, but his wife past away suddenly last year from complications of the flu.  Until then, they had lived a very busy life together. During the week, they went to the senior center to have lunch with friends. They were the leaders of a Sunday school class at church and always stayed for potluck after church.  After losing his wife, Herbert stopped going to the senior center for lunch and refused Meals on Wheels.  He did not feel that he should teach their Sunday school class without his precious wife, so he stopped going to church, no longer attended the potlucks, and did not respond to calls from friends and fellow church members.  His diet was sparse. He snacked on chips as a main meal or made himself some cereal or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  When he was found by a neighbor after he fell while trying to clean his own gutters, he was disheveled, dehydrated, and malnourished.  His hip fracture was severe and required some extensive surgery as well as a lengthy stay in rehab to regain his strength.  He ate better, loved the apple juice the nurses brought him, and made some new friends at the rehab center.  He even participated on the nights when the recreational specialist at the rehab center coordinated a night of playing cards.  He joined in on the Sunday chapel times and even participated in the small choir.

Herbert does not want to stay in an assisted living center nor any other facility.  His physical therapists (PT) state that he has shown that he can safely ambulate and pivot with good balance and strength as he recovers after his hip injury and consequent surgery. His occupational therapists (OT) indicate that he can bathe and dress without assistance. A dietician met with Herbert and helped him to explore simple and healthy meals which he can prepare for himself.  Also, after a limited mental cognitive assessment, the social worker reported that he is able and competent to handle his own finances and affairs. He wants to go home.

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