As engineers, you need to develop computational schemes for different components or machines available in the world. Machine can be a complex one with several components or one with fewer components. This procedure is necessary to allocate different dimensions for different parts of the component concerned with the use of strength of material knowledge and identifying different modes of usage. This assignment focussed on use of FBD, SF and BM in two particular practical applications in different situations. Develop computational schemes for two components shown below.
Waiter's corkscrew:
Consider all possible methods of use of the corkscrew and select the worst case. Assume dimensions and justify the value of the force required to pull the cork out of the bottle. Develop computational scheme and determine support reactions. Sketch bending moments, shear forces and normal forces diagrams for different component. Identify the critical section and the value of the bending moment at that section.

Sailing oar:
Consider what is the maximum force an adult person can apply to the handle of the oar by his both hands? Assume oar dimensions and having the force on the handle determine support reaction on the shackle and the resultant water resistance force at the lower end as well as the distributed force from water resistance. Sketch bending moments and shear forces diagrams. Identify the critical section and the value of the bending moment at that section.