All essays must be typed, doubled-spaced, using a 12-point font and following MLA style.
Discussion Board/Critical Responses: You will complete 13 critical responses (one per week, except for midterm and final exam weeks), each worth 3 points.
The questions for discussion are on the syllabus and will be repeated in weekly announcements.
Your responses will be posted on Blackboard; the length is at least 300 words.
Support your comments with evidence/quotes from the text. You don't need outside references for these assignments-they are your own interpretations of the readings. The Blackboard posting window will close at 9 a.m.
Topic: Postcolonial writing.
Reading: V.S. Naipaul's short story, "One Out of Many," (published 1971) (Norton, Vol. 2, pages 1658-1682
Critical Response/Discussion Board: What struck you most about the reading? Does the story seem realistic to you?
Do you sympathize with the main character? Does the story convey an immigrant experience that you or someone you know can relate to?