
Critical awareness of current and emerging practices in the

Main aims of the module:

To develop a critical awareness of current and emerging practices in the managing of work organizations and human resources, which will enhance programme members' abilities to increase the contribution of human resources to long-term corporate success, whatever the specific nature of their managerial role.

Main topics of study:

1. Historical view of work, work today and workers' psychological contract

2. Essence of organisational strategy, human resource strategy

3. HRM roles in structures, culture and policy as well as strategic HR partnership and alliance

4. The Workplace Relations

5. New Roles and Challenges for HRM

6. Human Resource Trends and Organisation Culture

Learning Outcomes for the module

1. A critical understanding in processes of organizing and managing work.

2. Structure and culture, strategy and implementation

3. Approaches to employment management practices.

4. The overall strategic way an organization handles its changing environment.

5. The strategic direction of human resourcing.

At the end of this module, students will be able to:

On completion of the module, programme members should be able to:

1. Demonstrate a critical understanding that to engage successfully in processes of organizing and managing work, their thinking needs to go beyond such dualisms as thinking and acting, structure and culture, strategy and implementation, and see each of these as different facets of unified processes in human and organizational life.

2. Analyze and evaluate the choices presented in approaches to employment management practices and how these relate to the overall strategic way an organization handles its changing environment and the range of stakeholders with which it deals.

3. Apply these understandings to managerial practices to inform the way they can contribute to the strategic direction of human resourcing, and develop appropriate and relevant solutions to employment management issues in their organizations.

1. A critical understanding in processes of organizing and managing work.

2. Structure and culture, strategy and implementation Thinking Skills

3. Approaches to employment management practices.

4. The overall strategic way an organization handles its changing environment.

5. The strategic direction of human resourcing. Subject-based practical skills

6. Application of managerial practices to inform the way they can contribute to the strategic direction of human resourcing

Skills for life and work (general skills)

7. A critical awareness of current and emerging practices in the managing of work organizations and human resources.

8. Enhance one ability and to increase the contribution of human resources to long-term corporate success, whatever the specific nature of their managerial role.

Question: Employees' Development is viewed as a value added activity for the 21st century organisations. For the developmental plan to be deemed ‘strategic', organisations need to shift the focus to a ‘learning' approach.

Discuss this proposition critically in the context of an Employees' Development plan supporting individual and organizational effectiveness in an organisation of your choice. Question Should demonstrate the Learning Outcomes from 1 to 8 as above.


Instructions for the REPORT:

Your 3,500 word assignment should be organized as follows:

1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction

3. Background of the Organisation

4. Literature Review of the Employees Development and Learning concepts - research the theoretical underpinnings, critiques and contemporary development.

5. Arguments for a Proposed Employees Development plan

6. Basis for its critical success factors

7. Conclusion

8. References: you are required to reference / research books and journals, apart from online sites.

Criteria for the REPORT:

1. Good understanding and interpretation of the questions and assignment requirements related to managing people particularly in the Employees Development plan.

2. Some evidence of analysis of sources of people management and Employees Development plan.

3. Thorough research on the topic with evidence of both original material and good effort to obtain relevant theoretical information of the organisation in relation to Employees Development plan material.

4. Some identification of the impact and challenges of the people management plan in its design features and offering a persuasive view of how Employees Development plan can be developed in the chosen organization.

5. Adequately developed and laid out arguments for a proposed Employees Development plan in light of the organisational environment.

6. Good coverage of the critical success factors of the plan, making some reference to case examples to illustrate your answer.

7. Clear and fluent writing with clear structuring of ideas and paragraphing of work. The structure of the Employees Development plan report sufficiently constructed with introduction and conclusion.

8. Evidence of adequate referencing and citations made to particularly referred journal articles following Harvard Referencing Style.

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HR Management: Critical awareness of current and emerging practices in the
Reference No:- TGS02223658

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