This assessment task is designed to be completed as an individual task and requires you to undertake a critical analysis of cloud computing offerings.
Assessment Rules and Submission Policy:
• This is an individual task. While collaborative work is encouraged collusion/copying is not permitted and constitutes plagiarism.
• The submission date for the assignment is 23.12.2015 (11.59pm)
• The assignment should be submitted through DeakinCloud as a single PDF document. Hard-copy and e-mail submissions are not acceptable and will not be marked.
• All references should be correctly cited and included using a standard form of referencing.
• Students who do not submit by the due date will have their mark reduced. The faculty rules for this state: Work submitted late without documented approval of the Unit Chair will be penalised. Assignments that are submitted after the submission date will be subject to a mark penalty equal to 10% of the marks per day of the marks available for the piece of work, up to and including three days after the published due date. Assignments submitted more than three days after the published submission date will not be marked.
Task Description
Compare the different Cloud Computing Offerings of the following vendors:
• IBM -Bluemix& Softlayer
• Amazon - Amazon Web Services (AWS)
• Google - Google Cloud Platform
For each of the vendors/offerings describe the collection of services offered, provide a brief description of the features of each of the services, the corresponding pricing model, and organise them against the Cloud Computing reference model that has been discussed in Lecture 3, and whose layers have been further discussed in Lectures 4,5, and 6.
Produce a report that summarises the comparison.
Tip 1: Utilise comparison matrices or comparison tables if needed.
Tip 2: Provide:
• an introduction describing the content of the report
• a small section for each of the offering describing the key features of the offering
• a discussion section (here is where you could put comparison tables or matrices)
• a conclusion section summarising your findings.