
Critical analysis-ethnic realities of mexican americans

(Ethnic Realities of Mexican Americans)

1) Write a critical analysis on what YOU perceive to be the most essential elements in the chapter, focusing primarily (but not exclusively) on a few selected issues.

Please note that the goal is NOT for you to write a summary of the material (chapter). Instead, the focal objective: 1) Read the chapter,

2) Analyze the presented

Information in the chapter, 3) write an analysis of what you read and analyzed, and 4) as you present YOUR analysis, make a MAIN argument that is reflective of your analysis, in its totality.

Your MAIN argument should incorporate EVERYTHING you detail (write) in your 2-page paper; that is, everything you say in your paper should point (support) your main argument in regards to what you read and analyzed. For example: let?s assume that Chapter 1 is about ?illegal drugs,? which involves SO many different issues.

Now, as you read the chapter and analyze the presented information, you wish to make an argument that drugs in the US should be legalized. OK, as such, your main argument would be the ?legalization of drugs in the US,? and everything in your 2-page paper should point (support) to your main argument.

Remember, before you begin, PLEASE read the handouts (located under the Assignments icon under the title, ?Handouts for Weekly Assignments?) regarding the

Writing process of the Weekly Assignments.

Things to include in your Weekly Assignments:

1. Introduction, body, conclusion.

2. Provide examples and illustrations, when deemed necessary.

3. Provide research findings when deemed appropriate.

4. Include numbers (statistics) when deemed necessary.

5. Include quotes FROM the chapters (and other sources). In every single Weekly Assignment, we need to have 1 to 3 small direct quotes from the chapter, allowing me to see that you?ve incorporated the weekly reading with the Weekly Assignment.

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Other Subject: Critical analysis-ethnic realities of mexican americans
Reference No:- TGS01438229

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