
Criminal justice standards


Reply to the discussion below. Use 3 criminal justice sources and biblical integration also it must be 200 words min.
According to Neubauer and Fradella (2014), occupy a unique, powerful and highly visible position in a complex and conflicted environment, where they bridge all areas of criminal justice (pg 150).  Essentially, a prosecutor has the power to control the life and liberty of the victim, for the protection of the people, to serve justice.  The prosecutor is given certain responsibilities because their client is the government.  According to the Criminal Justice Standards, the duty of the prosecutor is to seek justice, not merely to convict (Standard, 3-1.2c, American Bar Association 2012).

Social media plays a huge role in how we view the world.  Anything that is used in social media can be used during a case for justice.  “Recent studies show that mass media to be more open, diverse, pervasive, and influential than most researchers have argued.  The mass media do not stand apart from people and the various arenas in which they seek justice but are integral to their everyday processes for seeking justice” (Ericson, 1991).  However, how much information that is released can be an ethical issue for the prosecutor (Pollock, 2012).  This can become an ethical issue because in our modern era our prosecution and defense normally try their cases in the press before a jury is picked (Neubauer & Fradella, 2014, pg 163).  Social media such as Facebook and Twitter can construe false allegations towards the defendant or victim.  This allows the people to gather what they believe is true based on the assumptions or opinions of what they are being told on social media.  This type of information isn’t true and can cause one to already have preconceived thoughts about the victim.   It is the duty of the prosecutor to obtain specific ethical obligations as well as seeking justice for the people.  It is the prosecutors duty to disclose all evidence, avoid conflicts of interest, and refrain from any behavior that would interfere with the fair administration of justice (Neubauer & Fradella, 2014, pg 163).

As a Christian, or Christian worldview, we understand that the devil can take over many souls and can cause evil.  However, it is important for the prosecutors at all times to remain humble and try to do what is right for the people, as well as for the defendant.  This means looking all at evidence and providing it to the jury.  Isaiah 1:17 states “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause”.   


American Bar Association. 2012. ABA Criminal Justice Standards. Chicago: American Bar Association
Ericson, R. V. (1991). MASS MEDIA, CRIME, LAW, AND JUSTICE. British Journal Of Criminology, 31(3), 219-249.
Pollock J.M. (2012) Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice, 7th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth
Neubauer, D. W., & Fradella, H. F. (2014). America’s courts and the criminal justice system (11th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth

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Business Law and Ethics: Criminal justice standards
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