
Criminal justice research article


Search the Excelsior College Library (ECL) for a criminal justice research article from the year 2000 or later on the following topic: Social disorganization, Social control, Self control or Strain theory.

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write a 5–6 page paper that answers the following questions:

• What is the purpose of this study?

• How does it contribute to existing research?

• What exactly is the empirical study testing?

• How are the main theoretical constructs measured? (You do not have to describe all of the variables in detail, but discuss how the most important abstract ideas from the theory have been operationalized and measured with concrete data.)

• What are the main conclusions of this study?

• What are the strengths and limitations?

• What knowledge does this article add to the theoretical tradition that is being studied?

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Business Law and Ethics: Criminal justice research article
Reference No:- TGS01434547

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