Creativity: Thinking Outside of the Box
People have become so accustomed being in the herd so they do not bother to be creative. The basic idea is that to be creative you need to challenge your own assumptions and look at things from a fresh angle.
1) Can a parent or parents be a good role model by showing and teaching their children to think outside the box and to be or not to be a part of functional fixedness?
2) How does the story below demonstrate this?
3) What are thoughts on this persons story and did they do a good job with demonstrating functional fixedness and stepping outside the box.
This is the story of person's dilemma:
I had a dilemma about needing to go to the grocery store when I had my last son, many years ago. I didn't have a car at the time and that made getting around somewhat difficult; as I did not want to catch the bus with him or walk such a long distance. I waited for people to pick me up rather than 'think out of the box'. My son had a stroller and the walk would be good for both him and me; that was the answer to my problem. I hadn't considered utilizing the bottom of his stroller to store the groceries until I was tired of waiting on people. It was my issue, not theirs. I was concerned about what people may say about me pushing my baby in his stroller, while placing my groceries underneath and possibly the loaf of bread on his lap. But, I did it anyway. I lost weight, he enjoyed the walk (well the ride), and the experience built my self-confidence; showing me how strong of a woman I am.
Write your answer/response in detail with examples and facts and figures using APA style of formatting, size 12, font Times new roman and answer must be single spaced