
Creating the interview form and conducting the interview

Job Postings and Resume Submission

Respond to the following:

• Create a job posting for the job description. Submit your job posting to this discussion board with the Subject titled "JOB POSTING_Insert Job Title_ Insert Your First and Last Name" (i.e., JOB POSTING_HR Supervisor_Jane Doe). Input your job posting directly into the discussion text editor (not as an attachment). Next, reply to another student's job posting on the discussion board by a single document containing your Cover Letter and Resume for the position.

o Note: The document containing your Cover Letter and Resume must be in either Microsoft Word or PDF format.

o Note: Do not include your home address in your Cover Letter and Resume.

o Note: Only one (1) student should reply to each job posting. Students should consult with their instructor for further direction if all original posts already have a response.

o Note: Respondents and responders will exchange phone numbers or use Google Hangouts, IM, or other collaboration tools to conduct an interview for this position . They will need to create and submit a form for this interview.

Creating the interview form and conducting the interview.

Attachment:- Staffing the HR Department.rar

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HR Management: Creating the interview form and conducting the interview
Reference No:- TGS02075952

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