
Creating personal development plan

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Creating personal development plan that contains ideas, belief, and future vision can show many different things from each side, also it reflects the past, present, and future of someone's life. However, many things have happened in our life without planning, but on the other side there are a lot of things have achieved by really well planning. Therefore, we need to see where are we right now? How can we improve both of our knowledge, and skills? Does what we learned effect either our personalities or our carries life? What are we looking for in the future? All these questions and more can lead anyone to make personal planning, but there is a big need to realize that not everything that we are planning for will happen exactly in the future. Although, I will describe my personal plan in many different topic such as the situational analysis, vision, core value, and many different thing, but I assume this plan will be changed by the day that I will graduate from the M.S.A program or may be before that day.

Starting by the situational analysis, since I have graduated from the university that in overseas, I had no idea about what things I need to devolve in my knowledge, and skills until I decided to come to the U.S. My plan was studying English language only, but the plan got changed before I finished my English course. Moreover, I'm now earning my M.S.A, but also leering different cultures, skills, and gathering with people who have different perspective. When I go back to Saudi Arabia, the big impact of my life won't be the M.S.A program neither the English language that I earned from here (of course this will help me), but I believe cultures, and accepting people from different religion, and belief will be the most impact of my life by that time. Nevertheless, I believe that vision is the first step that can reflect someone's futures somehow, I will talk about two of vision, on of theses vision will be about my vision in this life, while the other one will be on my career vision. My life's vision is Being satisfied no matter what, and my career vision is love what I do, to do what I love this vision can helps me successes in the workplace, because at some point in life I will do something that I'm not happy with, but as well I have to deal with it. Furthermore, my core values are being honest at any time or in any difficult situation that will be faced in the workplace or even outside it,and I always think about problems that I face in positive way such as if I faced difficult problem or situation I look at the outcome that I will have out of it. Moreover, mymissions in this life are that being proud of my self, as well as make my family proud of me. For me I have not yet achieved this point, but by working hard, no excuses, and believing my self I will be there sometimes.

Everyone in this world was bored with his/her unique ability, I have not discovered all of my unique quality, but I have some of these such as Patience, listening more than talking, and Optimistic. On the other side, I have lack of some abilities that I'm looking forward to improve them. However, I have two target market that I'm interested in, the first one is the customer services because I rarely get satisfied be the customer services, the secondmarket that I'm looking to be in is the financial field because my undergrad is accounting, and this field can reflect how organizations going, also the market can determent the investmentprofit fororganizations. Nevertheless, in the financial department my services would detriment outcomes for the organizations, in both of long, and short terms goal, learning how organizations move out of hard financial situation. Although, I prefer to determent the employees motivation, and seeking to be enough motivated in the workplace, but I found it difficult somehow because everyone has different things that motivated them. Moreover, I had never been partnership with any organization or department, if I have to chose one, I would go for the H.R department. This department has many different ideas, and skills that can develop my knowledge, and personality.

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