
Creating assembly program to blink led using duty cycle

Assignment – Blinky Lights: The Hard Way

Take any two digits number. This is your duty cycle in percent.

Create an assembly program that runs on the MSP430 that will blink as LED at a rate of exactly 1Hz using the duty cycle.

For example, if 23, your duty cycle would be 23%. Your LED should then be ON for 0.23 seconds and OFF for 0.77 seconds, so that the combined cycle time is exactly 1.00 seconds.


• A flowchart of your program

• Commented source code, see below

• Analysis proving that your code blinks LEDs at the specified rates. This should involve a computations including instruction cycle counts and your board’s clock frequency.


Comment your code at the level of detail sufficient for someone to follow it. More detail than that is not helpful.

Include several comments lines at the very top of your program that describes the program, what it does, who wrote it, when it was written,

what hardware it needs, and what inputs / outputs it utilizes. This is called a header. See below for an example.

; Example program for demonstrating header section, does nothing
; Targets MSP430G2231 on LaunchPad board
; Stephen Craven, ENEE 4700, 9/23/2010
; Program does what?
; Input is ... Output is... BE SPECIFIC. Include enough info for
; someone to configure and use your program.

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Assembly Language: Creating assembly program to blink led using duty cycle
Reference No:- TGS02019

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