Individually OR with a partner, create an analysis of a public relationship. The participants of this relationship could be from a book, movie, television show, game, cartoon, politics, sports, etc. They can be living or dead, real or fictional. The relationship can be romantic, platonic, and/or familial.
The format for this project can be either 1) a traditional academic paper OR 2) a webpage, blog or other social media feed (twitter, tumblr, facebook, etc.) from the perspective of one of the participants in the relationship or a professional in the field. If you have some other idea, run it by your instructor ASAP.
You must include at least eight specific concepts from the below topic areas (total). Keep in mind this includes the text as well as concepts covered in JSB’s lecture materials.
Relationship Dynamics
Relationship Climate
Conflict Management
Relationship Contexts
Clearly IDENTIFY concepts you are addressing
DEFINE those concepts using text and/or lecture material
CITE those definitions properly (see below)
APPLY those concepts to specific examples of communicative behavior in the relationship you’ve chosen to analyze.
At this point in the semester you should be well-drilling rather than surface-sipping. No general topic areas and no claims without support.
– please find 8 concepts by this book between ch9-12
If you can do it by one page that is OK. If you can not please let me know to canceled the order and do it by tow pages