What is your role in creating a winning strategy for your team or organization?
- Are you the leader who will determine the overall direction?
- Are you expected to provide analysis and support for a set of possible moves?
- Is communicating your group's strategy to others a key part of your role?
Describe your firm and your industry enough to give your colleagues in the program and your faculty team a sense of your particular strategy challenges.
Think about these questions and then share your thoughts:
- Where have you seen a great idea seized by a strong team to create a winning strategy?
- What strategies have you seen that worked really well? Can you tease out the insight/aha, the people decisions, and the best practices that made this strategy a success?
This assignment gives you the chance to apply the concepts you have just learned to your own situation.
Answer the following questions:
- What is your current strategy?
- Do you think it is a winner?
- How widespread is the real understanding of it?