
Creating a web site for friendly paws pet grooming a basic

You have been asked to take over the task of creating a web site for Friendly Paws Pet Grooming. A basic web page has already been written and some of the other needed files have been provided to you as well. Follow the directions below to create a more complete product.

1. Create a folder on your computer named Project2. Download the files fplogo.gif, offer.gif, and fpcoupon.pdf and save on your computer in your Project2 folder. Download the file Tut02.htm and save it in your Project2 folder with the filename project2solution.htm.

2. Insert Tutorial Project 2 as the title of the page.

3. Add an HTML comment in the section of the page that includes your name.

4. Using the id attribute, define the id Home to the fplogo image. Next, define the id's About, Services, Links and Contact to their corresponding heading tags.

5. Insert a navigation bar using the

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: Creating a web site for friendly paws pet grooming a basic
Reference No:- TGS02594134

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