• Creating a program that writes to a data file called Celtofarendfile.txt using the end of file structure. The program should create a conversion table of Celsius to Fahrenheit from 0 to 100 Celsius in increments of 5.
• Creating a program that writes to a data file called Celtofarnumrecords.txt using the Number of Records file structure. The program should create a conversion table of Celsius to Fahrenheit from 0 to 100 Celsius in increments of 5.
• Creating a program that writes to a data file called Celtofartrailer.txt using the Trailer file structure. The program should create a conversion table of Celsius to Fahrenheit from 0 to 100 Celsius in increments of 5.
• Create a reading program for each of the files and determine the average temperature in Fahrenheit of the records.