Creating a new coldfusion application


Create a new ColdFusion application

a) Create a new web site  that demonstrates at least six web application

• Includes (any, like header, footer, navbar) or other,
• Form registration with correct validation,
• Pull data from database and display using a dynamic table (or similar)
• Drill-down (List/Detail),
• Search,
• Update/delete,
• Password protection (security),
• Auto email,
• Client or session management.

b) Elements must work to get credit.

c) Your templates should create a cohesive and intuitive application.

d) Make sure your templates are spelled correctly. Use spell check!

e) Must be written in XHTML and ColdFusion (at least 95%) to receive credit.

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COBOL Programming: Creating a new coldfusion application
Reference No:- TGS0700

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