
Creating a model to detect behavior patterns



Hospital of Bellvitge, is one of the great public hospitals in Barcelona. They have a huge volume of historic data about patients, and they want to extract value from this data. One of projects that they believe will generate value is creating a model to detect behavior patterns and evolution of certain diseases. With this information in advance, professional healthcare teams can establish the measures to be adopted to reduce the impact of the diseases, in terms of affected people, duration of treatment, and severity of the disease.

You are part of the team assigned to the project. And one of the initial tasks of the project is the identification of the data to be collected, to generate the model later. Therefore, you have to propose a model of recollection of the data available until now, identifying clearly

  • which typology of data is,
  • which value brings to the project in terms of helping to develop the later model,
  • if the data you propose can be obtained directly or indirectly,
  • and how you will collect the data (direct) or calculate it (indirectly)

Details of the task

  • Individual
  • The expected table of contents should include the analysis of the situation, the proposal of the initial implementation, and the proposal for the extension of additional business areas
  • The deliverable is a document, with all the figures you consider necessary, in pdf format


Wordcount: between 2.500 and 3.000 words

Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount.

Font: Arial 12,5 pts.

Text alignment: Justified.

The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard's citation style.

It assesses the following learning outcomes:

• Outcome 1: master the understanding of data-analytic thinking and solutions whitin the context of business problems.

• Outcome 2: evaluate data analytically and apply it in business decision-making.

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Basic Computer Science: Creating a model to detect behavior patterns
Reference No:- TGS03159591

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