
Creating a model of the development of friendship patterns

The is about conceptual frameworks.

Create a second conceptual framework diagram for your study and think about the following questions: 2 page response

Creating a Model of the Development of Friendship Patterns Suppose we were interested in patterns of friendship among college students. Why are some people friends and not others?

We might begin by asking all of the residents of single rooms along a particular dormitory corridor to give us a list of their friends. These lists of friends are our initial data, the results we wish to understand.

If we stare at the lists for a while, we eventually notice a pattern in them. Friends tend to live close to one another; they tend to have adjacent dormitory rooms. What process could have produced this pattern of friendship?

Take a minute to think of a possible process that might produce this observed result. One possible process that might have led to this result is that students can choose their dormitory rooms, and that groups of friends tend to choose adjacent rooms.

This process is a speculation about the world. If the real world were like our model world, the observed facts should match the model's prediction. Thus, we have found a model, a process that accounts for our results. We do not stop here, however.

We next ask what other implications this model has. For one, it implies that students in each dormitory friendship group must have known one another previously; thus, they must have attended the university the previous year; thus, there will be fewer friendship clusters among freshmen. A survey of both a freshman dorm and a junior-senior dorm shows that there are as many friendship clusters among freshmen as among juniors and seniors.

This would not be predicted by our model, unless the students knew one another in high school. However, examining the backgrounds of the freshmen shows that almost all of them come from different high schools. So our model does not do a very good job of explaining what we observed. Some process other than mutual selection by prior friends must be involved.

So we try to imagine another process that could have led to these results. Our new speculation is that most college students come from similar backgrounds, and thus have enough in common that they could become friends. Pairs of students who live near each other will have more opportunities for interaction, and are more likely to discover these common interests and values, thus becoming friends.

This new speculation explains the presence of friendship clusters in freshman dorms as well as in junior-senior dorms.

What other implications does this model have that would allow you to test it? How would you test it? One implication is that since the chance of contact increases over time, the friendship clusters should become larger as the school year progresses.

You could test this by surveying students at several different times during the year.

If you did so and discovered that the prediction was correct, the model would seem more impressive. (Can you think of other testable implications?) -Adapted from Lave and March (1975, pp. 10-12) 2 page response study and think about the following questions:

Do both diagrams produce insight into what you think is going on with the variables in the study?

Which diagram would be easier or more practical to test?

Which diagram would fare better during testing? Why?

What are the implications of both diagrams?

Which diagram has implications more fitting of your study?

Is it easy to distinguish between the diagrams?

How could your study distinguish between the diagrams?


To fill in using the above topic Nature of the Study A __________ (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods) study was conducted involving __________ (identify the agents involved) because __________ (state why the researcher chose a particular methodology given the nature of the agents). The __________ (identify the agents involved) were __________ (briefly illustrate the participants). Participants will engage __________ (briefly state how you intend to collect data) intending to assess __________ (state which measures or variables you are going to assess as to address the research questions). Further, the study ensures the saturation and reliability of the data by __________ (explain how the data was saturated and reliable). The Purpose Statement The purpose of this ___________ (strategy of inquiry, such as ethnography, case study, or other type) study is (was? will be?) to ___________ (understand? explore? develop? discover?) the ___________ (central phenomenon being studied) for ___________ (the participants, such as the individual, groups, organization) at ___________ (research site). At this stage in the research, the ___________ (central phenomenon being studied) will be generally defined as ___________ (provide a general definition).

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Business Management: Creating a model of the development of friendship patterns
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