
Creating a culture of tolerance



• Identify a group of learners and their learning needs; explore factors that influence and impact on the learning of your group e.g. personal, social, cultural factors (600 to 750 words)

Factors, e.g. age, gender, confidence, peer pressure, cultural or religious attitudes, educational backgrounds, financial situation, development of language, multilingualism, social or cultural barriers.


• Analyse what you consider to be the most significant barriers to learning for the learners that you teach (e.g. physical, cognitive, sensory), and justify what you & your organisation has done to overcome these barriers (e.g. initial assessment, classroom-based learning support, differentiation strategies, referral, external support, training and CPD) (750 words)

• Abilities, e.g. nature-versus-nurture, reading ability, analytical skills, aptitude, skill development, specific learning disabilities, physical disability, visual awareness, hearing impairment.

Own role and responsibilities, e.g. working with organisation policies, promoting inclusive practice, promoting student inclusion, challenging inappropriate behaviours, giving students responsibility for own actions, celebrating successes, encouraging self- and peer assessment, recognising the need for boundaries.

Relationship, e.g. acknowledging own limitations, liaising in-house or with alternative agencies to support students, negotiating on behalf of your students, working with learning support for specific learning needs (SEN), offer of testing, seeking guidance from others such as advanced practitioners.

Points of referral, e.g. organisation resources and policies for support and referral process, ‘traffic-light' system, referring students for functional (basic/keys skills), tutorial or mentor support, specialist subject support, employer or work-based learning provider, counselling, external agencies where appropriate.


• Write a short piece on how you would create and maintain an inclusive learning environment (750 words)

Key features and benefits, e.g. promoting an inclusive approach to teaching and learning, motivating your students, celebrating achievements, respect for others, creating a positive attitude, creating a culture of tolerance, empowering your students, shared responsibilities, collaborative working.

Promoting quality and valuing diversity, e.g. creating opportunities for sharing and celebrating diversity, positive attitude to individuals, engaging students, empowering individuals, encouraging team working, working with community or specialist groups.

Promoting inclusion, e.g. following organisation policies and procedures, own approach to teaching, working with others, tackling discrimination, confronting issues of bullying, empowering students, encouraging best practice, rewarding successes, positive attitude.

Strategies, e.g. regular contact, by phone, email, meetings, follow-up, involve professionals with students in and outside sessions, share information, keeping in up to date, keeping others informed.


• Critically review the systems that your organisation has in place to monitor the effectiveness of your inclusive practice, and evaluate your own skills in inclusive practice and identify how you could improve these. (600 to 750)

Effectiveness of practice, e.g. use of SWOT analysis, formal and informal evaluation from your students, use of peer evaluation, SAR (Self-Assessment Review), discussions with colleagues or line manager, outcomes of observation feedback.

Improvement, e.g. use of reflective practice, self-awareness, open to improving own skills and understanding, recognising impact of discriminatory practice, valuing contributions of others, responsiveness, ability to be proactive, amenable to change.

Opportunities, e.g. working with others to inform and develop own practice, identifying opportunities for CPD, visits to other organisations, observations or work-shadowing, working alongside a specialist, specialist or awarding organisation or training.

Total word count 3000 to 4000 words

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Business Law and Ethics: Creating a culture of tolerance
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