
Creating a combination application it will need to pull

For this project you will be creating a combination application, it will need to pull data from a file, parse the information, make decisions and perform calculations, and produce a printed output in the form of another file.

You will be provided a text file(.txt) that will have data about student grades. For each student there will be a name, score(in percent), and their current grade level(Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior).

Your first task is to parse the data you have pulled from the file and store each of those in a variable. Once complete, you need to make decisions about that data.

Decision: If the score is 70 or greater, the student is satisfactory and may proceed to the next level. If a Freshman then become Sophomore, if Sophomore then Junior, if Junior then senior, if Senior then "Diploma Conferred". If the student is not satisfactory, then they cannot progress to the next level.

Decision: A letter grade must be assigned to each student based on their score(<=59 = F,60-69 = D, 70-74 = C, 75-79 = C+, 80-85 = B, 86-89 =B+, >=90 = A)

Each decision MUST be placed in its own Function(Think GetGrade() , IsSatisfory(), etc)

Now that you have pulled, parsed, and processed the info you must now output it.

Output: The results must be outputted to a new file called "FinalReport.htm" in HTML format such that its formatted for view in any web browser.

Data must be presented in an HTML Table in the following manner; StudentName, Grade, Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory, Outcome. Additionally, you must place information on this page to indicate the following:
Name of the School District, Contact info for the school(address, phone, etc)

Remember - You must place additional HTML code and tags into this file to make it compatible to view in a browser!

Deliverables: Printscreen of your html document running in a browser, HTML source code of that page, and the VB source code.

NOTE: Your program does NOT need any interface at all! Your program must become hidden upon launching. The process should begin when the program is run(hint Form Load). Although alert the user the task has been completed

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Other Subject: Creating a combination application it will need to pull
Reference No:- TGS0949377

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