
Creates anew variable called average1and3yrreturn in which

This problem requires SAS software for code. You do not need to do it all. i only need you to show me what my syntax should be for question 3. i keep entering and ran it but it show error or incomplete.

You were hired by "Choice is Yours" investment company to assist investors interested in stock manual funds. A sample of 407 stock mutual included 269 growth funds and 138 value funds as well as information on fund type, risk, market cap, and years of return percentage varible.

a. Import data into SAS.

b. How many variables and observation?

c. Creates anew variable called "average1and3YrReturn%" in which is the average of 1YrReturn% and 3YrReturn%

d. Provide the summary statistics for all continuons variable and frequency of the categorical ones.

Note: I did part 1 and 2 well. But for part 3 im stuck my syntax look inappropriate. here is what i wrote:?
data Retir_new; *new data;
set yveshwk2.Retirementfunds;
avg1and3Yr= (1yr + 3yr)/2;

So when i do that the *new data turns green while the others still in black. "yveshwk2" is the name i gave for this homework. Retirementfunds is the topic of the assignment, and i get error message in red and green meassage say it is incomplete. i should i format this step? was it unnecessary to write all of this?

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Computer Engineering: Creates anew variable called average1and3yrreturn in which
Reference No:- TGS02898518

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