


Create a project called Daily8. Add a C source file to the project named daily8.c. Write a program that  will prompt the user to enter a positive integer. Your program should then call a function that you write called loop_down_to_zero that takes one argument of type integer and will use a while loop as we did in class to print all of the integers from the number entered down to and including the number zero with
each number appearing on one line.

Next you should print one line containing four asterisks and a new line.

Finally your program should call another function that you write called loop_up_to_int that takes one argument of type integer and will use a while loop as we did in class to print all of the integers from zero up to and including the number entered from the keyboard.

Please note that you may NOT use recursion in this program, you must use a loop. Your functions may not call themselves.

A sample run of the program is given in the screenshot below:

2449_sample run of the program.jpg

At the top of your program you should have a comment section that follows the below format:

Author: Dr. Lin
Date: 9/19/2015

Answer to question:

Say 10000 (or 300000 in Mac)? Why is this behavior different than what you sawwith your daily7?>

This is how the output window looks like in Mac:

1046_top of your program.jpg

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JAVA Programming: Createaprojectcalleddaily8addacsourcefiletotheproject
Reference No:- TGS01130194

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