Login to your Linux environment and create your start-up shell script. Whether you write the scripts as .profile or .cshrc, include the following options:
Your search path to $PATH
Your editor to vi
Two variables of your preference, explain what they are.
Copy the following shell that completes the following:
echo Select a country from the following list:
echo America, Italy, France, Germany
read country
case $country in
[Aa]merica ) echo Ford; echo Perhaps;;
[Ii]taly ) echo Ferarri;echo no;;
[Ff]rance ) echo Peugeot ;echo no way;;
[Gg]ermany ) echo Porsche ;echo yes;;
Run the shell from above.
Answer the following questions:
What is the purpose of the echo command?
In the case statement, why are the first letters both caps and lower case?
What does esac mean?
Create your own shell that completes the following problem:
Ask the user their name.
Compare it to your name.
Give a reply that their response is either your name too or it is a nice name too.