
Create your own psychology perspective

Create your own psy perspective:

Create your own psychology perspective based on the following perspectives: humanism, behaviorism, evolutionary perspective, cognitive perspective, and psychodynamic.

No abstract required for this APA paper. 3-4 pages in length. must have at least 3 sources. cannot use Wikipedia or .com websites. may use .org or .edu pages. paper must include: name of perspective (Rainbow Perspective), address the nature of human beings, structure and development of personality, perspectives you agree or disagree with (must either agree or disagree with a portion of each perspective listed above), theorist who have influenced your work, main points or terms of you perspective, stages or steps of your perspective.

Perspective to be the Rainbow Perspective and the section that is based off of humanism is red, behaviorism orange, evolutionary yellow, cognitive green, and psychodynamic blue.

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