Verizon Communication CEO
1. For this role play assignment select a CEO you wish to role play from the list provided in the forum above. Post your choice as a response to this discussion topic. Each class member must role play a different CEO. If another class member has already selected the CEO you want to role play you must select another one.
1. Prepare and post a "self-introduction" in your role as the CEO. Use a 7-10 slide maximumnarratedPPT presentation (approximate time not to exceed 10 minutes). While not optimal, if narration proves problematic, which can be the case for some MAC users, students may wish to create a separate audio file to accompany the presentation. If anyone wishes to create a video that is is also a great alternative. The main thing is that whatever option you choose, it must be possible for your colleagues and the faculty to access, hear, and see your presentation. For the role play introductioninclude the following plus any information your professor may request pertaining to the roundtable topic:
2. Introduction:In your CEO role, "your" name and a little about your personal background including your education and major professional experiences before assuming this current position.
• Abilities, traits, and experiencesthat have enabled "you" to achieve "your" current leadership position. In doing this, refer to relevant ideas from the readings. If you cannot find evidence to support your characterization of your CEO, you should extrapolate based on what you do discover and then rely on creative license to fill the gaps.
• Adefinition of leadershipthat you believe the person you are role-playing would support. Base your definition on your research about the CEO and on your understanding of the readings and lectures.
• "Your" preferred leadership style.See and refer to the styles discussed by Colquitt et al.
• A brief summary of major successes and challenges that "you" believe have contributed to your knowledge and skill as a leader.
• A brief summary of preliminary points relevant to the roundtable topic your professor has posted.
1. Create your narration for the presentation. More detailed guidance about how to create a narrated PPT presentation, and information about other options, is posted in Course Content. The faculty team will provide information about the file size limits. Because narrated PPT presentations are larger than usual files you should expect uploading to take longer than usual, depending upon the size and your connection speed. You are strongly encouraged to do a "test run" in advance.
2. On or before Sunday, May 25post your PPT as a response to this discussion and use your CEO's name in the title (eg., Welcome from John Doe). Be sure to cite your sources for this presentation. Many CEOs have been interviewed about leadership and therefore you may be able to find these on the Web. These should also be referenced correctly so others who may be interested in listening to a CEO speech or interview may be able to do so. Also attach your script or include speaker notes.
3. For this role play assignment select a CEO you wish to role play from the list provided in the forum above. Post your choice as a response to this discussion topic. Each class member must role play a different CEO. If another class member has already selected the CEO you want to role play you must select another one.
4. Prepare and post a "self-introduction" in your role as the CEO. Use a 7-10 slide maximumnarratedPPT presentation (approximate time not to exceed 10 minutes). While not optimal, if narration proves problematic, which can be the case for some MAC users, students may wish to create a separate audio file to accompany the presentation. If anyone wishes to create a video that is is also a great alternative. The main thing is that whatever option you choose, it must be possible for your colleagues and the faculty to access, hear, and see your presentation. For the role play introductioninclude the following plus any information your professor may request pertaining to the roundtable topic:
• Introduction:In your CEO role, "your" name and a little about your personal background including your education and major professional experiences before assuming this current position.
• Abilities, traits, and experiencesthat have enabled "you" to achieve "your" current leadership position. In doing this, refer to relevant ideas from the readings. If you cannot find evidence to support your characterization of your CEO, you should extrapolate based on what you do discover and then rely on creative license to fill the gaps.
• Adefinition of leadershipthat you believe the person you are role-playing would support. Base your definition on your research about the CEO and on your understanding of the readings and lectures.
• "Your" preferred leadership style.See and refer to the styles discussed by Colquitt et al.
• A brief summary of major successes and challenges that "you" believe have contributed to your knowledge and skill as a leader.
• A brief summary of preliminary points relevant to the roundtable topic your professor has posted.
5. Create your narration for the presentation.More detailed guidance about how to create a narrated PPT presentation, and information about other options, is posted in Course Content. The faculty team will provide information about the file size limits. Because narrated PPT presentations are larger than usual files you should expect uploading to take longer than usual, depending upon the size and your connection speed. You are strongly encouraged to do a "test run" in advance.
6. On or before Sunday, May 25post your PPT as a response to this discussion and use your CEO's name in the title (eg., Welcome from John Doe). Be sure to cite your sources for this presentation. Many CEOs have been interviewed about leadership and therefore you may be able to find these on the Web. These should also be referenced correctly so others who may be interested in listening to a CEO speech or interview may be able to do so. Also attach your script or include speaker notes.
7. For this role play assignment select a CEO you wish to role play from the list provided in the forum above. Post your choice as a response to this discussion topic. Each class member must role play a different CEO. If another class member has already selected the CEO you want to role play you must select another one.
8. Prepare and post a "self-introduction" in your role as the CEO. Use a 7-10 slide maximumnarratedPPT presentation (approximate time not to exceed 10 minutes). While not optimal, if narration proves problematic, which can be the case for some MAC users, students may wish to create a separate audio file to accompany the presentation. If anyone wishes to create a video that is is also a great alternative. The main thing is that whatever option you choose, it must be possible for your colleagues and the faculty to access, hear, and see your presentation. For the role play introductioninclude the following plus any information your professor may request pertaining to the roundtable topic:
• Introduction:In your CEO role, "your" name and a little about your personal background including your education and major professional experiences before assuming this current position.
• Abilities, traits, and experiencesthat have enabled "you" to achieve "your" current leadership position. In doing this, refer to relevant ideas from the readings. If you cannot find evidence to support your characterization of your CEO, you should extrapolate based on what you do discover and then rely on creative license to fill the gaps.
• Adefinition of leadershipthat you believe the person you are role-playing would support. Base your definition on your research about the CEO and on your understanding of the readings and lectures.
• "Your" preferred leadership style.See and refer to the styles discussed by Colquitt et al.
• A brief summary of major successes and challenges that "you" believe have contributed to your knowledge and skill as a leader.
• A brief summary of preliminary points relevant to the roundtable topic your professor has posted.
9. Create your narration for the presentation.More detailed guidance about how to create a narrated PPT presentation, and information about other options, is posted in Course Content. The faculty team will provide information about the file size limits. Because narrated PPT presentations are larger than usual files you should expect uploading to take longer than usual, depending upon the size and your connection speed. You are strongly encouraged to do a "test run" in advance.
10. On or before Sunday, May 25post your PPT as a response to this discussion and use your CEO's name in the title (eg., Welcome from John Doe). Be sure to cite your sources for this presentation. Many CEOs have been interviewed about leadership and therefore you may be able to find these on the Web. These should also be referenced correctly so others who may be interested in listening to a CEO speech or interview may be able to do so. Also attach your script or include speaker notes.