
Create your journal about careers in early childhood

Careers in Early Childhood Education and Reflection

Create your journal (Associated in Early childhood Education) using the instructions below.

• Career Goals: State your long-term career goals, noting what position you would like to be in in one to five years from now and the specific role you would like to pursue for your career.

• Qualifications: Explore the skills and qualifications related to the type of role you're aspiring to and describe the qualifications you have already achieved and what new skills, knowledge, certifications, or trainings you might need to gain employment in your desired role.

• Action Plan: Describe how this course has assisted you already with regards to curriculum planning and reaching your career goals. In this section, also state the additional action steps you will need to take to be fully qualified for the position you would like to pursue and state reasonable timelines for each action step.

• Resources: Reflect on what resources that you have currently to support you. Describe any barriers you may need to overcome to be successful and identify individuals who can assist you within your personal support system (e.g., family, friends) and professional network (e.g., classmates, colleagues, other professionals you know from LinkedIn or general life).


Im currently pursuning a degree in Early Childhood Education. I want to finsh this degree and work at a public school as a kindergarden teacher and continue my education and purse a degree with a Bachelor in education.

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Dissertation: Create your journal about careers in early childhood
Reference No:- TGS01541612

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