
Create your data model using microsoft visio 2010 which you

Present a detailed data model for your project scenario. You can create your data model using Microsoft Visio 2010, which you will have access to through iLab and Microsoft Excel, which comes with Microsoft Office.

Other tools may be used as long as the output is legible and conforms to standard format. (i.e., I will not be able to grade the data model if I cannot tell what it is supposed to be!). Your data model should include a minimum of an ERD and metadata chart (data dictionary).

Deliverables for This Task

Task 0 proposal (with any revisions or updates)

A completed Data Model to include the following.

An ERD, showing all tables, related attributes, and the primary and foreign keys. This diagram must show both the relationship and cardinality of the relationship using accepted notation. The ERD should be formatted to allow printing on a single 8x10 page. It should be submitted as a Word file (copy and paste from Visio).

A Data Dictionary (or meta data chart) showing a minimum of the table name, columns, data types, length, and constraints. It should be submitted as an Excel file. Follow the format of the Data Dictionary supplied for Lab 3.

First, make sure to make any necessary revisions to your logical model based on Task 1 feedback. Using MySQL, write the statements to develop a physical model of your database by creating the tables and constraints based on your Task 1 logical model. Be sure to use your ERD and data dictionary and create all constraints appropriately.

Once your tables are created, you will populate them with data using MySQL statements to insert records into the database. You should insert a minimum of five records into each table and more where necessary to ensure that the data in the database is sufficient to allow for each of your reports to be tested.

The result will be a script file that includes statements to

DROP all tables;

CREATE all tables with constraints;

INSERT data into all tables; and

SELECT data from all tables to show the data in each table.

Name this file yourname_task2.txt.

Also create a Word document that shows the structure of each table and the data in each of your tables (copy and paste from MySQL). Name this file yourname_tables.docx.

Note that your deliverables each week include any revisions to a previous task.

Submit your Task 2 deliverable as a zip file including the following.

Task 0 proposal (with any revisions)

Your Task 1 ERD (with any revisions)

Your Task 1 DD (with any revisions)

Your Task 2 script file to create and populate tables (yourname_task2.txt)

A Word document showing all tables and data (yourname_tables.docx)

This was my week 1 project proposal. Please help me out I am so stuck with this assignment.

Business name

• Shoes for you

What this business is

• Basically this is a resale shoe company. We buy shoes from huge sites such as nike, eastbay, dtlr, footaction, footlocker etc. Then resale them at a higher price. The goal is to buy at least 4 or 5 pair of each size.

How this is unique

• It's special because we're also going to have giveaways. I will donate money to certain groups of my choosing and also try to help children who can't afford certain shoes.


• Shoe retail

Who will be the customers?

• Mainly sneaker heads once I get my business jumping. It may seem like it would be a small business. But you can actually make a living off of reselling shoes.

Long term business goals

• I want to be the middle man when it comes to shoes. To eventually start my own website where shoe companies give me my own batch of shoes when it comes to release dates.


• All payments would be made via paypal since it's a small startup business. Once I get the website going everything will be online at our website.


• All shoes will be shipped via UPS or Fedex with tracking numbers so you can always see where and when your package will arrive.


• I will be the only one running this business. Only when my business expands is when I will begin to look for other employees. But when that does happen I will likely look to relatives before the general public.

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Computer Engineering: Create your data model using microsoft visio 2010 which you
Reference No:- TGS02895438

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