Create your audio pitch to accompany the visual slide deck


Using your slide deck from this week's forum, create your audio pitch to accompany the visual slide deck. You might create your presentation with a presentation program and add audio to it. The slide deck should not exceed 10 slides. Create and submit the following pitches:

• Your full pitch (20 minutes) - audio (voiceover) with your investor slide deck (not to exceed 10 slides).
• A 30-second to 60-second elevator pitch (may or may not accompany any slides).
• Submit items 1-3 for evaluation.

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Business Management: Create your audio pitch to accompany the visual slide deck
Reference No:- TGS03066721

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