
Create video of academic proposition of fact, value, policy

Assignment Task:

Now that you have submitted your rough draft for peer review and got feedback, redo your speech to upload here.

You will need an audience of 4 adult people in real life to view your presentation. Show them before and after your presentation.

For this presentation, you will create a 6-8-minute video about an academic proposition of fact, value, or policy.

You can use one of the propositions you developed in your module 6 brainstorm, but it must be appropriate for a college audience, be controversial, and have a good amount of research for and against the proposition. So giving a speech that "drunk driving is bad" or "smoking causes cancer" are not good topics, because there isn't much controversy or research against these positions.

This speech needs to have at least five sources from articles written by expert authors. Three of them must come from the Schoolcraft Library database with one being cited in each of your main points. The specialized database opposing viewpoints (Gale in Context) is a great resource for persuasive speeches.

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Other Subject: Create video of academic proposition of fact, value, policy
Reference No:- TGS03384428

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