
Create vertical and horizontal analysis excel spreadsheets


Organize your company's and its closest competitor's financial information in an Excel Workbook

1. Create Vertical and Horizontal Analysis excel spreadsheets - Using your company's Income Statement reported in their Form 10-k, prepare a Vertical Analysis and a Horizontal Analysis of three years of your company's income statement data. Embed your excel charts within your word document.

2. Create a comparative Ratio Analysis chart - Include the following information in a management report that is easy to read and comprehend.

•Company ratios - Show a 3 year trend of your company's key ratios (obtain ratios from Calcbench - do not calculate them), separated into the categories of profitability, liquidity, and solvency. You must choose at least 3 ratios that tell us something different about profitability, at least 3 ratios that tell us something different about liquidity, and at least 2 ratios that tell us something different about solvency. (For example, inventory turnover is a liquidity ratio but days sales in inventory, also a liquidity ratio, tells us the same thing in different ways....therefore, these are not considered 2 different liquidity ratios).

•Competitor ratios - Do the same for your company's closest competitor (obtain ratios from Calcbench - do not calculate them).

•Industry ratios - Show the industry average for each ratio you reported for your company and competitor


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Accounting Basics: Create vertical and horizontal analysis excel spreadsheets
Reference No:- TGS01949196

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