This workbook contains some new data for you to practice what you learned in module 3.
Copy Sheet
This sheet contains data that you will copy.
Paste Values
Paste the data from the copy sheet using the Paste Values command.
Adjust the column widths to fully display the data.
Paste Link
Paste the data from the copy sheet using the Paste Link command.
Clean up the worksheet to remove any formulas that reference blank cells.
Adjust the column widths to fully display the data.
Create two meaningful charts from the data displayed on the charts sheet.
Make sure the chart is of an appropriate type for the data you selected.
Add a meaningful chart title.
Place the charts next to the data at the top of the worksheet.
Pivot Data
Create a meaningful Pivot table from the data in the Pivot Data worksheet.
Use the filter to reduce the amount of information displayed in the Pivot table.
Create a meaningful Pivot chart from the data.
If you can't make a recommendation or decision from the Pivot table information you need to try again.
Apple Data
Create a xy spatter chart from the data on the Apple sheet.
Add a trend line and calculate Beta and Slope for the data.
Attachment:- Assignment-File.rar