
Create the references page for your leadership coaching

Leadership Coaching Plan:

Creating a Coaching-

Friendly Context: For the assignment, you are asked to create three components for your Leadership Coaching Plan: the title page, the "Creating a Coaching-Friendly Organization Context" section, and the

Self-Assessment of Coaching Competencies

o Insert the "Self-

Assessment of Coaching Competencies" section, which you wrote for your assignment.

Defining Coaching Success

o Insert the "Defining Coaching Success" section, which you wrote.

Creating a Coaching-Friendly Context

o For this segment of the Leadership Coaching Plan, draft a paper,minimum 300 words in length,to discuss why a coaching-friendly context is an essential foundation for the coaching experience. How would you create a coaching-friendly context, specifically with the leader you will coach? Long-term, how would you hope to impact the organization culture to create a widespread environment that is open to coaching? Describe the strategies and the approach you would use. Be sure to use library resources, the unit video, and unit readings to inform your

Leadership Coaching Plan. Use APA citations

if appropriate

References Page

o Finally, create the references page for your Leadership Coaching Plan. For this assignment, obtain a minimum of six references (or sources) about coaching, leadership coaching, executive coaching, leadership development specifically within your career field, or coaching in organizations. You may use your textbook and the article we read in Unit I as two of the six sources. Use those references to create a references page ORG 6000, Leadership Development and Coaching 5 in APA style. In addition to the six references you are listing now, you may add references to this list throughout the course, if you wish. Acceptable sources include journal articles, books, and e-books obtained through the Waldorf library, or they may be books on your shelf at home.

The only internet source that may be used is the web site of the organization where the leader works. You may also use the leader's personal website, if he or she has one. If you would like to use another internet source, check with your professor first.

Do not use encyclopedias, including Wikipedia.

For information on how to create a reference page using APA style, watch the tutorials provided in the "Supplemental Reading" section of this unit. For additional questions about searching for sources, please feel free to contact a Waldorf librarian. Also, be familiar with Waldorf's Academic Integrity Policy, located in Waldorf's Online Programs Catalog, in order to ensure that your work aligns with this policy.

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HR Management: Create the references page for your leadership coaching
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