
Create the playbook or classroom rules


Take the following for example; in the classroom we are considered a team. On our team it was made clear to the students that everyone would have constantly changing roles. Sometimes they would need to be an assistant coach and help someone else, sometimes they would need to be on the practice squad and be willing to be helped by their peers. We all worked together to create the playbook or classroom rules so that everyone was in agreement and got the chance to voice their needs from the rest of the team. With this approach the students understood that leadership roles did change and that there were appropriate times for them to take a stand and be the example and also other times when someone else would be better served for that role.

Why is it important to have the students understand the changes in roles and make it a point to address the students in that way?


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Other Subject: Create the playbook or classroom rules
Reference No:- TGS01926829

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