
Create the needed technical documentation for msapp

Competency: In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

Develop project plans for the creation and delivery of written technical communications

Case Scenario: MainStreetApp (MSApp)

Your plan will need to address the following:

A) Define a clear purpose for project as a whole. As you work, consider the following:

B) What is the ultimate goal for this project?

C) Why are you completing this project?

D) What are the needs being filled by this project?

E) Identify relevant and ample deliverables for project. As you work, consider the following:

F) In order to meet stakeholder needs, what deliverables are necessary?

G) Are there required types of deliverables and some that are merely recommended?

H) Is there stakeholder input you should get on some types of deliverables?

I) After delineating the deliverables, define the targeted audience of each deliverable.

J) Who is the targeted audience for each deliverable?

K) What are the needs of each target audience?

L) How do each of the deliverables target that specific audience?

M) Allocate time and resources MainStreetApp will need to complete the technical writing project (which is not itself included in this competency). Make sure to include the following:

N) Plan how long you, as the technical writing consultant, will need to complete these deliverables, and plan multiple specific work milestones.

O) Plan what other monetary line items (e.g., professional copying) you will need.

P) Plan what human resources you will need other than your own.

Q) Define the roles of various key stakeholders involved at different stages in the project life cycle, and how to communicate with each stakeholder. Make sure to include the following:

R) Whose input do you need before you start each key deliverable?

S) Whose review do you need after you've drafted each key deliverable?

T) What are the best ways to communicate with each stakeholder?

U) What is each stakeholder looking for?

V) What medium might be best?

W) What method of communication is best?

X) Identify potential obstacles and how to overcome them. In order to identify obstacles, consider the following:

Y) Which people, even stakeholders, might be difficult to work with or around in regard to what you need for your project?

Z) What things (e.g., resources) might make meeting your project plan (e.g., timeline) difficult?

AA) How can you best address these obstacles before they become problematic, in order to mitigate their potential effects?

AB) Ensure the final project plan is clear and professionally formatted. Consider the following:

AC) How should you best organize the project plan?

AD) How can you best format the project plan so busy professionals can quickly understand it, but also fully comprehend the complexity of the work they'd be undertaking?

AE) How can you be accurate but also persuasive?

AF) How can you best show off your great thinking?

What to Submit:

Every project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submitted before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following:

Project Plan:

Your project plan should clearly explain how someone would create the needed technical documentation for MSApp to move into a nationwide market.

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Reference No:- TGS03039846

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