1. Given the following conditions, write the appropriate decision statements:
For S less than or equal to 1000, R is assigned 50
For S in the range of 1001 to 4000, R is assigned 100
For s in the range of 4001 to 8000, R is assigned 250
For S greater than 8000, R is assigned 75.
2. Given the following set of code:
If (Width = Length)
printf("Object is a squaren");
printf("Object is not a squaren");
What would be printed if Width had a value of 5 and Length had a value of 5?
What would be printed if Width had a value of 5 and Length had a value of 12?
3. Given the following information:
If a person has a job code of ‘H', their pay is based on the hours worked multiplied by their pay rate
If a person has a job code of ‘P', their pay is based on the hours worked multiplied by the number of pieces they produce
If a person has a job code of ‘S', their pay is based on their annual salary divided by 52
If a person has a job code of ‘C', their pay is based on their total sales multiplied by their commission rate.
If a person has any other job code, then that is an error and an appropriate message should be displayed.
Create the necessary switch statement to implement this set of conditions.