
Create the movement of the car from the left o the screen

The vertices below represent the definition of a simple car:

GLfloat p1[2] = {-0.80, -0.80};

GLfloat p2[2] = {-0.80, -0.6};

GLfloat p3[2] = {-0.7,-0.6};

GLfloat p4[2] = {-0.64,-0.40};

GLfloat p5[2] = {-0.46, -0.40};

GLfloat p6[2] = {-0.40,-0.60};

GLfloat p7[2] = {-0.30,-0.60};

GLfloat p8[2] = {-0.30, -0.8};

i. Add the 2 wheels to the vehicle using the GlutWireSphere

ii. Create the movement of the car from the left o the screen to the right.

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Computer Graphics: Create the movement of the car from the left o the screen
Reference No:- TGS0983134

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