
Create the most advanced mrna to use as a platform


Using James O'Toole model, identify the top three resistance factors for the following strategic goal;

I. Opening an MRNA manufacturing facility in Africa to produce 500 million vaccine doses per year, by the end of 2023.

II. Spinning off a stand alone organisation for Corona virus and any upcoming pandemics by early 2023.

III. Integrated anew generation of mRNA based vaccines and therapeutics for all types of cancer disease by 2025.

IV. ongoing to make partnership with biotech company in Asia to use mRNA as anew transformation active medicine by 2024.

V. Create the most advanced mRNA to use as a platform in the industry for vaccine ,food supplementary, treatment by 2026.

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Business Management: Create the most advanced mrna to use as a platform
Reference No:- TGS03225997

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