Create the main window shown here. You may use any layout manager or you may lay the components out manually.

When a Student ID is entered into the top text field and the Search button is pressed, the system will search for the student with that ID and fill in the Student Name field with that student's name and the JList will show a list of currently registered courses for that student. If the student ID is not found, then the name and list fields should go blank.
When the Withdraw button is pressed, the student should be withdrawn from the course that is currently selected in the JList. You will need to update all HashMaps and ArrayLists accordingly. If no course is selected from the list, the Withdraw button should be disabled, otherwise it should be enabled.
The Register For Course button should be enabled as long as there are less than 6 courses shown in the list, otherwise it should be disabled. When pressed, a dialog box should appear as shown on the next page. Again, you may use any Layout Manager (or none) to arrange the components.