a. Create the logic for a dice game. The application randomly "throws" five dice for the computer and five dice for the player. After each random throw, store the results in an array. The application displays all the values, which can be from 1 to 6 inclusive for each die. Decide the winner based on the following hierarchy of die values. Any higher combination beats a lower one; for example, five of a kind beats four of a kind.
• Five of a kind
• Four of a kind
• Three of a kind A pair
For this game, the numeric dice values do not count. For example, if both players have three of a kind, it's a tie, no matter what the values of the three dice are. Additionally, the game does not recognize a full house (three of a kind plus two of a kind). Figure 6-19 shows how the game might be played in a command-line environment.

b. Improve the dice game so that when both players have the same combination of dice values, the higher value wins. For example, two 6s beats two 5s.