Assignment: Jestor's Magic Website
Section 1: Jestor's Magic Website
You must submit a .zip file containing the following files for the completion of Section 1 of this assignment.
PHP / MySQL Programming code files
Validation results
One (1) screen shot of the designed site from your Web browser, Use PHP / MySQL to create the Jestor's Magic Website in which you:
1. Create the Jestor's Magic Website that includes the following requirement:
A Web form for the customer feedback.
Two (2) sponsor advertisements to the Website.
The company's logo and product images to the Website
Connection of the Website to the database you created in Assignment 3.
2. Provide PHP / MySQL Programming code files used to create each item of Number 1a of this assignment.
3. Conform to strict Document Type Definition (DTD) standards and verify your design using W3C Markup Validation Services. Save the results and submit with the assignment.
4. Submit one (1) screen shot of the designed site displayed in your Web browser.
Section 2: Technical Documentation
The purpose of documentation is to show the clients how the system was built. Project documentation is important, occurs often, and becomes a permanent record for the client.
Write an six to eight (6-8) page technical paper in which you:
1. Provide a project overview as an introduction, which includes the revised Website design proposal and the revised database design proposal.
2. Create a technical documentation in which you:
Describe the process of the database creation, and provide screen shots of all of the tables based on the information needed to build your database from Assignment 2. Note: If you use Window 7, use the built in SnipIt tool or capture a screen shot using the print screen button on the keyboard.
Explain the tools used to build and the process of building the system for the clients, including a final screen shot of the Website displayed in your Web browser. Include a screen shot(s) of the following:
the Web form for the customer feedback and a PHP script to process the form
two (2) sponsor advertisements to the Website
the company's logo and product images to the Website
3. Update the storyboard diagram with any changes to the original layout of the Website through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.